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How is everybody doing in these anonymous and isolated times, without performances? A small tour along the (Amsterdam) improvised music scene to find out.

Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti (voice, composition)

How do you feel?

I feel ok. I miss tumult, sweat, laughs and tears that I experience in concerts. I miss the randomness of meeting people and the endless inspiration I get from going to physical concerts and art in general.

How do you stay inspired?

I am somehow always inspired. I feel this time gave me a lot of space to go deeper in some processes I was busy with. I have been making a lot of things, in music but also in a lot of other media. Somehow I realized in me the motor of making is not just ignited by concrete concert deadlines, but it is always kind of cooking, moving, re-orienting, re-learning. I am lucky, I got some chances to develop some nice things in the digital realms… hahaha I feel like a never ending student.

Describe in 1 word or sound what it will be like for you when you can perform live with an audience again.

Ecstatic !!
