16:00-18:00 Masterclass
19:00 Dinner
20:30 Concert:
20.30 Nate Wooley solo
21.30 Nate Wooley / Andy Moor / Frank Rosaly
The masterclass is open for everyone: musicians, non-musicians, amateurs, professionals, etc.
Workshop: 20€ / Workshop + dinner 30€ / Workshop + concert 25€ / Workshop + dinner + concert 35€ / Dinner + concert 20€ / Concert 10€
Listening and responding, following and counteracting, creating in the moment: that’s what music improvisation is all about. SPACE ACADEMY is a series of masterclasses by world-renowned improv musicians and performers. In an afternoon talk and workshop they share their vision on music and improvising and make music with the participants. After dinner there will be a concert by the lecturer and a jam.
None other than New York based trumpet player Nate Wooley will be giving the masterclass & concert this edition!
Nate Wooley is one of the most in-demand trumpet players in the burgeoning Brooklyn jazz, improv, noise, and new music scenes.
His solo playing is seen as important in the international revolution of trumpet improvisation. Together with Peter Evans and Greg Kelley he is regarded as one of the pioneers of the American movement that tries to break open the physical boundaries of this wind instrument. He also tries to remove the trumpet from the historical shadow that Louis Armstrong placed over this instrument, without denying the rich jazz history.
His search for new and groundbreaking playing techniques, his uncompromising play with sounds, his deconstruction of melody, harmony and rhythm, his flirtation with noise and his experimentation with sound amplification make him a particularly fiery and innovative musician.
Both the afternoon masterclass and the evening concerts are for musicians and non-playing visitors.