Subsequently we also received subsidies from Dioraphte, BNG and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. We are incredibly happy and grateful for this.
With these funds SITP is able to make its next steps towards a professional organization. We are going to expand to more playgrounds in Amsterdam and various cities in the Netherlands and abroad in order to make the Amsterdam progressive jazz scene land with other open minded performing arts enthusiasts. SITP wants to further develop the imaginative programmatic approach in the coming years.
Furthermore, SITP will produce its own content with the SITProductions, which will feature authentic bands and musicians. They are guided and supported in all kinds of ways to achieve the goal of SITP: to build bridges to other audiences. A platform for the development of this progressive music is sorely missed in Amsterdam.
Organizationally, SITP will grow along with the ambitions in the coming years. An artistic and business sounding board is formed and the staff will be structurally paid instead of on a project basis.