How is everybody doing in these anonymous and isolated times, without performances? A small tour along the (Amsterdam) improvised music scene to find out.
Guy Salamon (drums, composition)
How do you feel?
I’m quite well! I’ve noticed recently that probably one of my main goals in life is to try and experience things in the most fun and exciting way possible. Keep being in motion, surrounded by the people I love and be emotionally involved in everything I do. This past year has definitely put these goals to the test. I’m working now on the 2nd album of my octet and preparing for our upcoming performance at JazzAhead in Germany. I enjoy going to my rehearsal space nearby home and keep writing new music when I can. I’ve also, after maybe 15 years, got back to playing basketball and running in the park which is having a tremendously good effect on my mood as well.
How do you stay inspired?
I’ve discovered the wonderful world of audiobooks which in combination with running gives me a lot of new energy and musical inspiration for some reason. I also have a lot more time to sit and listen to full albums from top to bottom, especially of music I’ve never heard before. This definitely has an effect on my will to write new music and keep evolving musically.
Describe in 1 word or sound what it will be like for you when you can perform live with an audience again.
Absolutely and most incredibly fantastic and lovely!!!