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How is everybody doing in these anonymous and isolated times, without performances? A small tour along the (Amsterdam) improvised music scene to find out.

Joachim Badenhorst (reeds)

How do you feel?

I feel okay. My days pass quickly and it feels quite busy, even though there are no concerts, but that is more because I have a little daughter at home, and a house that needs a lot of renovation. The little free time I have is absorbed with practical matters, I am organizing a new Carate Urio Orchestra project / recording next month, because of Corona there is quite a bit of work involved in getting the foreign musicians in Belgium, especially the ones outside Europe. and also the ‘tour’ schedule is constantly changing as the rules change all the time making it very difficult and complicated.

How do you stay inspired?

Just like my answer to the previous question: the little time I have besides all the domestic and practical matters, I try to compose music for the new Carate Urio Orchestra project, often it is late at night … goes quickly, perhaps due to the fact that there is so little time for it, no option for a writer’s block or something like that 😉

Describe in one word or sound how you will feel on your first note in front of an audience
Last week I played solo at the opening of an exhibition in a gallery in Antwerp, for real people in person (!). Apparently that was allowed. It felt special, after such a long time, to be able to play, to throw music notes in a room and feel interaction with real people. I certainly miss playing live in front of the audience, live streams will never be able to match that real live experience…
